воскресенье, 14 августа 2011 г.

Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty

A week ago, on August 7th, I was lucky enough to stand through the 5-hour line to see the most cosmic exhibition in the Metropolitan museum.

(Picture from my Blackberry)
Just for the record, we were not allowed to take pictures. I did the best I could! 

Six galleries were featured there. The first one - Romantic Mind - was probably the least crazy and most normal one. It contained lots of classical black jackets and low-rise pants (from the Highland Rape collection). My favorite piece of this gallery is the high shouldered jacket with a painting printed on it:
(Picture from the Met website)

And the art-print dress too:
(Picture from the Met website)

The second gallery was the "Romantic Gothic and Cabinet of Curiosities". The atmosphere there (just as in the first gallery) was extremly heavy. Slow and depressing music that makes you think of death (witch McQueen found increadibly beautiful).
(Picture from the Met website)

The "Romantic Nationalism" gallery had pieces that McQueen made while inspired by England, mostly it's anarchy. 
(Picture from my Blackberry)
(Picture from the Met website)

The long golden coat over the white wedding-like dress is one of my favorite looks.
(Picture from my Blackberry)
(Picture from the Met website)

An other thing that makes me sure McQueen was a genious is his ability to create totally different pieces. From dark, Tim Burton inspired to fresh and full of life works, like this amazing flower dress.
(Picture from the Met website)

One of the other galleries - "Romantic Primitivism" - had both s&m-looking and nude-colored, soft dresses.
(Picture from the Met website)
(Picture from my Blackberry)

"I find beauty in the grotesque. Like most artists, I have to force people to look at things".

Obviously, all the accessories are unbeliveble. Every single headdress and every shoe is a beautiful unique piece of art.
(Picture from the Met website)
(Picture from my Blackberry)

"Romantic Naturalism" was the most space-like gallery. Cosmic looks with the famous Armadillo shoes.
(Picture from the Met website)
(Picture from my Blackberry)
Mind-blowing and breath-taking, no pictures or words can show the emotions you get from standing there in front of those masterpieces. Simply amazing.

воскресенье, 31 июля 2011 г.

Home sweet home

Hey there, everybody.
It's almost 10 pm here in Southampton, PA. 
While sitting in the living room of one of my favorite houses with two of my favorite cousins and freezing because of the crazy air conditioning (while it's pretty hot outside), I decided to post some pictures from the first days of my month-lasting trip to the Homeland.

After a ten hour flight accompanied by a talkative man named Sergey (thanks to him I know where I can catch fish and what is better for making meatballs), it was such a relief to see this lovely sign and realize, that I'm actually in the US again.

But NYC is still waiting for me, because I'm staying at my aunt's house next to Phillies. Anyway, here's the cutest house. 

Also, the neighborhood looks exactly like the ones from american movies. Except this one has no hot guys or potential friends for me, actually I never (read: maybe once a day, if I'm lucky) see people here. For the first time in my life, that doesn't seem like a problem.

It's impossible to live without a car here (I could of been driving for a year tho, but unfortunately, I'm an idiot), because the closest civilization to the neighborhood is a plaza that has Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks is an hour of walking. So my cousin Liz is my driver for now, haha.

We've recently went to the movies. I love watching something that comes out two-three months earlier here than in Moscow!

"Crazy stupid love" was pretty awesome. And Ryan Gosling is so incredibly hot!

Anyway, I haven't done much here yet (eating, sleeping and watching TV doesn't count!), but I did spend over two hours in any-girls-dream-store - Victoria's Secret. 

I guess, the longer I stay, the happier I am. 
Of course, I already miss my friends and favorite places in Moscow (yes, I will probably try to hug Kamergersky and the Island when I see them), but I feel perfectly calm and relaxed here. Also, Nino, dude, I'd love it if you were around. I can't even try to watch Jersey Shore without you.

Stay tuned!

суббота, 23 июля 2011 г.


Вернулись мы с пикника "Афиши".
Послушали много отличной музыки. Одну из любимых групп своей "молодости", Kaiser Chiefs, например, а еще Муджуса, Браво, Marina and the Diamonds, ну и чудесную Peaches. Она сумасшедшая, дикая и такая крутая!

Нас было много, а фотографировала я мало. И на телефон.

 Поля Глебова - пресса. Крутая, ничего не скажешь!

Сто лет не сидела/лежала на траве, уже позабыла о том, как это приятно. Но солнце пекло сильно, нас спасали только шляпы!

Кстати, публика была отличная. Правда не знали, что в Москве столько хипстеров.

Как и ожидалось, встретили кучу знакомых. Аню Гончарову (в прекрасной красной юбке Mango), например. 

Один из лучших дней этого лета :)

четверг, 21 июля 2011 г.


Я подумала, и решила: лучше разбавлять блог постами, не связанным с уличной модой, чем не вести его вообще (в связи с отсутствием новых луков). В конце-концов, блог не про моду, а про то, что меня окружает.

Снимали тут на фишай недавно. Не подозревала, честно говоря, что пленка красная... Ч/б выглядит гораздо лучше :)

 With my darling Nino waiting for the Jamiroquai concert to start.

Love of my life, Elene Beraya.

вторник, 31 мая 2011 г.


Не понимаю, почему большинство людей так реагирует на календарное лето. Если судить по погоде, оно началось около недели назад. Ну а если по событиям - лето начинается только после сессии :)

Photos by Polina Glebova

среда, 18 мая 2011 г.

Details pt.3

Цветочный принт может быть как нежным и романтичным, так и солнечным и веселым.

В любом случае, цветы напоминают нам о весне, плавно переходящей в лето :)

воскресенье, 15 мая 2011 г.

Details pt.1

 Сомневаюсь, что замечательные сумки YSL Muse Two когда-нибудь могут надоесть. С каждым обновлением они выглядят все лучше и лучше.

Колец много не бывает. На мой вгляд, это единственные аксессуары, с которым сложно "переборщить".

Details pt.2

Лак необычного цвета всегда выглядит интересно. А короткая курта из денима идеально подходит под весеннюю погоду (конечно не такую, какая была у нас в марте-апреле!).

Как и шляпы с большими полями, повязки на голову в этом сезоне очень актуальны.

Еще одна деталь, которая мне очень нравится - женская обувь, похожая на мужскую.